You have been waiting and waiting, and you want to know how long does it take to sell a domain name?
There are many factors that can affect how long it takes to sell a domain name.
The first thing is, what is your domain name valued at, the more valuable your domain is, could effect how long it takes to sell.
Is there a market for you domain name, are there other people looking for your domain name or are there companies with similar domain names.
Are there buyers for your domain name?
Do you have your domain name on a domain auction?
Are you using a domain name broker to sell your domain name?
There are so many different ways to sell a domain name, some may work better than others.
Domain Name Value.

The value of your domain name can effect how long it takes to get sold. The value your domain name brings to the table is a massive factor in how long it takes to sell.
We suggest using a domain name appraisal tool such as Estibot or going to a broker to evaluate your name.
Low level domain names could take years to sell just or never be sold because there are so many options for these type of names.
TDL’s (top level domain’s) or Premium Domain Meaning have amazing value attached to them because of their length or domain extension might take longer to sell but you will get more money for them.
For example vs.
One brings confusion and one brings clarity.
The more valuable your domain name is the quicker it will sell, if there is a market for it.
The Marketability of the name can effect how long it will take to sell.
If your domain name is not very popular then it might be hard to find anyone willing to pay for it.
You need to consider if there are any companies that have a name similar to yours that would gain from buying your name.
Let’s a company owns the .info or .xyz and you own the .com version of the name, you have a perfect buyer.
Or if you have a domain name like, something that is extremely broad but meaningful you could have potential buyers.
The more potential buyers you have, the less time it will take to sell your domain name.
Are there potential Buyers for your Domain Name.

Are there any buyers for your domain name.
Consider if there are any potential buyers or online business for your name, do a google search on your domain name.
Domain names closely related to your name are the best indicator to see if there are potential buyers.
If you do know somebody who would be interested in purchasing your domain name then you should contact them and ask them if they’re interested in buying it.
The more potential buyers there are for your domain name, the faster your domain name will most likely sell.
Using a Domain Name Brokerage service
Using a domain broker is an excellent way to sell your domain fast. Most brokers can find a potential buyer in between 2-8 weeks depending on the name.
They can get in front of the most decision makers in a company to sell your name.
Domain brokers are best for getting the market value price for your domain name in the least amount of time possible.
Most brokers deal exclusively with premium domains and others work on lower level domain names. Consider which one is best fit for selling your name.
Read the top Top 5 best domain name brokers in 2022. to get a better insight on domain brokers.
Domain Name Auction Sites and Market Places

A domain name auction site is a place where you can put up your domain name for sale.
When you put up your domain name on an auction site you are basically advertising it for sale.
An auction site will usually have a minimum bid requirement before the domain name gets listed.
Once the domain name is listed on the auction site it will stay there until someone buys it.
Be aware of domain auction fees though.
– Domain Name Auction Fees
There are two types of fees when you list your domain name on an online auction site:
The first type of fee is called the “buyer’s premium”.
This is the fee that the seller pays to the auction site. The second type of fee is called “auctioneer’s commission” which is the fee that the auctioneer charges the seller.
Most auction sites charge between 10% and 20% of the total sales price.
– Domain Name Sales Process
The process of selling your domain name depends on the auction site that you choose to list it on. Usually, you will have to fill out some information about yourself and your domain name. Then you will have to wait for other people to bid on your domain name.
After all bids have been placed, the highest bidder wins the name.
We suggest using a domain auction site for domain names valued at $2,000 to $60,000.
Consider these factors that can effect how long it takes to sell a domain name:
- The value of your domain name, premium domain names usually sell faster.
- Marketability of your domain name.
- Are there potential buyers for your domain name?
- Have you tried using a domain broker to sell your name?
- Have you posted your domain name on an auction site?
Selling domain names can take a week, a month a year or it could never sell.
Its all about getting your domain name in front of the right people and having a potential buyer for your domain name.